We're starting to see a rising number of places on the web that will provide online training in factes of community indicators. Let me share a couple with you, and invite you to pass along others you may know about.
I've enjoyed the information available through KnowledgePlex. They tend to focus on housing issues, and include training on data in the process. Today at 2:00 p.m. ET, they're hosting a session on Green Communities: Designing Efficient, Affordable Multifamily Housing. For more information or to join this chat, click here. They've also provided an archive of past training sessions so you can get caught up if you missed a session that matters to you. I highly recommend the training on the overview of DataPlace.
On Wednesday, May 16, the Maternal and Child Health Information Resource Center, funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, is offering an internet audio conference called Contextual Analysis: A Tool for Understanding Disparities in Preterm Birth from 2:00-3:00 p.m. Eastern Time. This program will be the first in a three-part series, with subsequent programs to be broadcast on June 6 and July 11, 2007. To register for this program, visit the Data Resource Center for the National Survey of Children's Health home page and click on the MCH DataSpeak on Contextual Analysis link under New Resources.
Their DataSpeak program also has an archive of past sessions so you can get caught up on the health-related data information they provide. Check out the sessions on the National Survey of Children's Health and those on health disparities.
What other online training resources do you turn to most?
Checklist for federal data backups
In preparation for days like this, MIT Libraries has a guide for making…
*Tags:* backup, government, MIT
1 day ago
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