Enhanced American FactFinder (AFF) Comments Requested
(from the Census Bureau):
The U.S. Census Bureau is enhancing the current American FactFinder (AFF) to add features and improve its functionality.
As users of our data, we value your input and want the enhanced AFF to meet as many of your needs as possible so that you can easily access and use data available at the Census Bureau. Therefore, we would like your input about the new system.
We have identified a number of improvements which are described in the link below. Please review them and then provide up to five additional items you would like to see incorporated into the new system. (Note: The survey will be available for comments beginning today, March 10 - March 31, 2008.) Given the limited resources available for enhancing the AFF, the Census Bureau may not be able to implement all the suggestions.
In an effort to reach as many users as possible, please forward this information to your colleagues and others who use data from the Census Bureau.
Thanks for your time and input as we work together to make the AFF a more efficient, dynamic, and interactive data access and dissemination system.
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