Before I left for France, I passed along this information from on foreclosure data. That prompted a nice note from Jeff over at PolicyMap, who wrote:
I know you’ve written about in the past, and wanted to again recommend it for this topic. As part of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), state and local governments will be charged with creating an action plan for allocating the funds. PolicyMap can help officials to identify areas in need and map the local housing markets. In fact, they just uploaded new HUD NSP data sets to make the process easier and more data-rich.
So I checked what he was talking about, and here it is. The PolicyMap blog explains that:
As an organization either applying to HUD for National Stabilization Program (NSP) grant dollars or interested in the program, you know that HUD expects grantees to consider several specific pieces of data in preparing plans and strategies for targeting funds. To make that work easier, we have mapped all that data and made it available for you on PolicyMap, the online data and mapping tool we created to aid public and social investors in understanding places and considering investment strategies. All public data and use of the tool for this purpose is free.
So check it out! Free data is always good. (And keep the information flowing -- let me know if you have data to share with community indicators practitioners!)
A Geospatial Lens on CRA Modernization
Understanding the Community Reinvestment Act The Community Reinvestment
Act (CRA), enacted in 1977 under President Jimmy Carter, was designed to
17 hours ago
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