This may be of interest to those, like me, who are in the process of updating their community indicators.
Release Schedule for the 2008 ACS and 2006-2008 ACS Data
On September 22, 2009, the Census Bureau will release the 2008 ACS 1-year estimates. Similar to last year's release, the 2008 ACS will include 1-year estimates available for the nation, 50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, every congressional district and all counties, places and metropolitan areas with populations of 65,000 or more. Included are the ACS income, earnings, and poverty data as well as all other ACS estimates on social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics.
On October 27, 2009, the Census Bureau will release the 2006-2008 ACS 3-year estimates, based on data collected from 2006-2008, for all geographic areas with populations of 20,000 or more. Included are the estimates on social, economic, demographic and housing characteristics.
Additional ACS Tools and Information - Coming Soon
Later this summer and into the fall the Census Bureau will provide tools to aid ACS data users. These tools include guidance on making comparisons between the 2007 and 2008 ACS data, ACS table shells, and a new e-tutorial to assist novice ACS data users.
If you have questions or comments about the American Community Survey, please call (800) 923-8282.
A Geospatial Lens on CRA Modernization
Understanding the Community Reinvestment Act The Community Reinvestment
Act (CRA), enacted in 1977 under President Jimmy Carter, was designed to
18 hours ago
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