Saying, "You cannot manage what you do not measure," Governor Charlie Crist launched Florida Performs, a website that reports "how Florida is doing in areas that affect the quality of life for you, your family, and your neighbors."
The website covers performance goals and indicators in the areas of Public Safety, Health & Family, Education, Economy & Taxes, Transportation, and Environment/Conservation.
The site also provides a useful Scorecard at a Glance, using red, green, and yellow arrows to give a quick visual picture of performance in each of the areas measured.
Under each area is a stated goal, a section on "Why is this important?", "How is Florida doing?", a scorecard with a set of indicators, a section that discusses what influences this area, a section called "What is the State's role?", and links to where the reader can go for more information.
Under each indicator is the measure label, measure title, department responsible for the data, data code, measure definition, graph of the data, goal direction, posting frequency, calculation type, raw data, measure owner (name and e-mail and phone contact information), and other little tidbits. It is as nice an example of metadata I've ever seen -- not just where the data comes from, but who to talk to if you have any questions. Very, very nice.
Check it out!
A Geospatial Lens on CRA Modernization
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