As a follow-up to the earlier post on mapping, I thought I'd share a couple of interesting websites.
The first is called simply strange maps. It's a collection of maps, some very old, some remarkably new, that get you to think about the world a little differently. The United States of Florida hits pretty close to home, but it's an interesting way to take data and display it in a way that the audience sits up and takes notice. And, reminding me of an earlier map we saw of soft-drink naming conventions, here's a map that divides the country by fans of professional baseball teams.
The second site I'd like to direct your attention to is a blog called Google Maps Mania. The blog keeps you up-to-date on mapping tools and mashups, as well as instructional pieces on how to create and search user-created content in Google maps, examples of interesting maps people have made, games involving maps, and other mapping-related blogs.
Now take the time to check out one last mapping site -- Matt Jones' Wikimapia blog. It's what you need to know to use Wikimapia, especially if you want to get beyond the official Wikimapia blog. (If you haven't peeked at Wikimapia, do so! Google doesn't own everything .... yet.)
What other mapping sites do you recommend for those interested in different ways to display community indicators?
Network of statistical distributions
The network of 76 probability distributions show how they are connected:
Solid lines…
*Tags:* distributions
19 hours ago
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